Newborn and Baby Photographer in Orlando, FL - baby J and his brother

This couldn't be a sweeter family. I am so lucky to meet some awesome people... I photographed them just couple years back when their first baby boy was born. This time the photoshoot took place in my studio in the suburb of Orlando, FL. And look who else came and visited me: Daisy, their spotted Great Dane! And I got a pretty good shot of her and baby J - the little baby never looked that little to me before until this shot! :) Also, there is a sweet story behind that one ring you will see on one of the photographs - baby feet and a ring. It's not a standard shot. Usually it's the cute baby feet and wedding bands. The Tiffany ring was the way that the family found out if the baby is going to be a girl or a boy! The ultrasound tech wrote it on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope, which was taken to the Tiffany store. The worker was told that if it's a boy, to put a rose gold ring in the box... which was opened later on and the sex of the baby was revealed... how sweet and original!!!